wonderpress lint

Lints the current active WordPress theme against the Wonderpress Coding Standards.

Lints the current active WordPress theme against the Wonderpress Coding Standards (which is a slightly modified flavor of the WordPress Coding Standards). Optionally, Wonderpress can attempt to automatically “fix” lightweight issues.


A relative path to a directory with a valid .wonderpressrc file. Defaults to the current directory.

--fix or -f
Automatically attempt to fix as many found issues as possible (this will alter code).


# Lint the active WordPress theme
$ wonderpress lint
Wonderpress SUCCESS: Lint complete!

# Lint the active WordPress theme and attempt to fix
$ wonderpress lint -f
Wonderpress SUCCESS: Lint complete!

# Lint the active WordPress theme in a different directory
$ wonderpress lint --dir=example
Wonderpress SUCCESS: Lint complete!